Since 2016 The Slovak Road Association, in cooperation with universities in the Slovak Republic, has been administering an educational programme focused on road construction and road management. Within the framework of lifelong education a non-accredited education programme Personal development in road construction and management has been implemented for the needs of the development of transport construction and road economy based on the requirements of professional practice. It takes into account the needs for improving the quality of construction work and asset management in the segment of the road construction and road economy. The professional guarantor of education is Mr. František Schlosser.
It contains education modules serving as a background for obtaining professional competence for management and administration in the field of the road economy. It has three parts:
1. Road Construction and Road Economy (RCE)
2. Professional Education (PE)
3. Webinars (WBN)
In the RCE segment, the modules are mainly focused on the design and technology of road construction, road management and maintenance, diagnostics and testing, road reconstruction, objects of transport constructions, road and bridge management system, road economy management.
The PE segment is aimed at expanding knowledge and skills from the basic segment (RCE) and modules of a colloquial type (usually one specific issue) are carried out according to the requirements of the practice. They are intended for a discussion of stakeholders in the field of materials, standards and technological procedures for the construction and maintenance of roads.
The third segment (WBN) has a designated content for online negotiations, the prepared modules are focused on pavements construction and their management.